My experience at Language Centre. Idiomas
By Lidia Cobos( B2 level)
I started at this academy 5 years ago, in 2010, to improve my English to pass my PAU exams. However, I have continued until now because I started my university and I didn´t have any subjects related to languages or so I continued studying English in order not to forget my skills .
I have had a really good experience at LCI. I have made friends in all groups and we keep in touch. They are a good motivation to come every day and they contribute to generate an incredible atmosphere in class.
On the other hand what I really appreciate of studying English here is that I have improved a lot. I know more grammar and vocabulary and and I´m better at listening and speaking. We do lots of different things in class like games, watching videos, working in pairs and groups. Learning is very dynamic and that helps to understand concepts easily and retain them.
I really like how teachers respect and treat us all. They are always available to help and they try to involve us in all the activities.
To sum up, I do recommend to everyone to learn a language at LCI.
Laura Felipe Atienza ( Alemán A2)
En las clases de alemán hemos aprovechado bien el tiempo y hemos obtenido buenos resultados. Sin duda lo que más me ha gustado ha sido lo involucrada que ha estado la profesora con nosotras y lo mucho que hemos reforzado la expresión oral, ya que por lo menos a mi no me resulta muy sencilla. Creo que hemos trabajado muy bien los distintos campos del idioma y que he aprendido mucho. Y lo más importante es que sigo teniendo ilusión por aprender esta lengua.
Ich bin sehr glücklich und Ich möchte wieder der sprache erlernen.