* Make sure you understand what you have studied. Don’t just try to memorise it.
Ask your teacher or classmates for help if you find something difficult to understand.
* Look again at what you have studied as soon as possible after class.
You are more likely to remember information if you look at it again within 24 hours
of first hearing it.
* Organise your study time
A revision timetable will help you make the most of your study time.
* Eat something before you study
Food will give your brain the energy it needs to concentrate for long periods of time.
Fruit is a good choice – the sugar in fruit will keep you more awake than coffee.
* Drink plenty of water while you study
Not drinking enough water can make you lose concentration and make it harder for
you to remember information. You should drink 250ml of water for every hour of
* Choose places to study where you will not be disturbed
Noise and other distractions make it difficult to concentrate and can affect the amount
of information you remember.
* Take regular breaks during study time
Taking a 20 minute break every two hours will give you time to remember what you
have already learned and also help you concentrate for the next two hours.
* Take practice tests
There is no better way to prepare for a test than to take regular practice tests. Not only
can you learn the language you need to pass the exam, but you can also get to know
the style of exam questions and practise good exam techniques.
* Join a study group
Studying with friends and classmates can help motivate you to study more regularly.
* Work out when you study best
Some people work best in the mornings, others at night. Decide when you work at
your best and try to study at those times.
* Get at least 6 hours sleep the night before a test
You are more likely to remember what you have learned if you have had a good
night’s sleep.
* Eat before a test
Food will give your brain energy and help you to concentrate.
* Wear comfortable clothing
Being uncomfortable is a distraction. Also, it’s better to wear several layers of
clothing so you can put on or take off an item if you feel hot or cold.
* If possible, sit at the front of the examination room
If you sit at the front, of the room you are less likely to be distracted by other students
and can hear the recording better for the listening paper.
* Make sure you understand all the instructions before you begin
Don’t be afraid to ask the examiner to repeat any information you are unsure about.
* Before you start your test, quickly look at the whole test paper
Looking at the test paper quickly before you start will help you to manage your time
better. Decide how long you should spend on each question.
* Always read the questions carefully
One of the most common mistakes students make is not to read the questions carefully
enough. Read all instructions slowly and twice if you have time.
* Answer the questions you find easy first
Answering the questions you find easy first will give you confidence and save you
time later on.
* Don’t waste time on questions you cannot answer
Spending a lot of time on a question can make you lose confidence. If you can’t
answer a questions go to the next one and come back to it later, if you have time.
* Check your answers carefully
If you have time at the end of the exam, read through your answers. But remember,
your first answer is usually correct so only change answers if you see a mistake.
* Be positive and try to stay relaxed
If you are relaxed you will be able to concentrate better. Breathe slowly and deeply
and try to put all negative thoughts out of your mind.